Graphic Design
Korea-Russia Trade Center
Korea-Russia Trade Center Corporation (KRTC)
Moscow, Russian Federation
Michael Jones was Design Principal for master planning and Phase I design of this 5.0 million sq.ft. mixed-use development adjacent to Moscow State University. Situated in the Lenin Hills of Moscow, the site is bound by the University to the south and west and urban housing to the north and east. A new Metro line is slated to be located at the Southeast corner of the site. The project provides for a hotel, office building, shopping mall, housing and a combination of below ground (landscape on deck) and surface parking.
Phase I includes a 400-room hotel with underground parking, 30-story office building (by Chang-Jo Architects), central atrium/visitor's center and 200,000 SF shopping center. The collaborative effort involving American, Russian and Korean design team members, was led by the DC-based architectural team.
With Ellerbe Becket, Chang-Jo Architects and Lev Tsitovitch
master plan: 1993
design: 1994-97